Sailing Nahoa / ANYTHING is POSSIBLE in the Philippines!!!
18/08/2019 11h02 / 947.714 views / 18.384 likes / 

náutica / sailing nahoa

The average person our age is allowed a measly 10 days of vacation per year and has a car loan and mortgage to boot. That used to be us. Until we sold everything. We sold the house, the car, motorbike and most every possession. Even the winter clothes went out the window. We sold up to a life with less stuff. Less clutter. Less stress. A life that is untethered and unfiltered. We move from country to county as we wish. We poke into some the worlds least travelled corners. We live off the ocean when we can. Experience new cultures and sail vast distances without seeing land. This is our recipe for Life. Perhaps it will inspire you. Hit that Subscribe button and Join us as we sail around the world! Love, Ben & Ashley
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