Pure Living for Life / Raised Bed Garden Transformation (7-Year Progression, Start to Finish)
23/05/2020 19h44 / 1.471.303 views / 26.627 likes / 

arquitetura / engenharia / contrução / pure living for life

We're a young couple that bought land in the Pacific Northwest where we're building our dream life from the ground up - including building our own house with our own bare hands! Our goal is to develop our property debt-free and do as much of the work ourselves as possible. We don't sugar coat things or hide the fact that we're complete newbies, and our channel is all the better for it! We share the good, bad and ugly of a DIY lifestyle as a couple - hang on for the ride! Blog: http://purelivingforlife.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/purelivingforlife Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/purelivingforlife/
2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015      

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